Gender intensity
Gender intensity

gender intensity

“marginal” transvestites who wish for hormonal feminisation or surgery and “nuclear” transvestites who are limited to cross-dressing In a later paper, Buhrich and McConaghy went as far as to suggest there were three distinct classes of fetishistic transvestite: The fact that desire for a sex change operation may be associated with experience of fetishistic arousal could be one reason for the higher incidence transsexualism in men than in women. Frequency of cross-dressing, strength of feminine gender identity and intensity of desire for a sex change operation did not discriminate the two groups. They had less experience of homosexual contact to orgasm as compared transsexuals who had not experienced fetishistic arousal, but this difference was not statistically significant. In an investigation of 29 transsexuals who sought a change of sex operation it was found that those who had experienced fetishistic arousal were significantly more likely to be older, to have experienced heterosexual intercourse, to be married and to show penile responses to pictures of men and women indicative of a more heterosexual orientation. The results of this study indicate that they can be differentiated into two clinically discrete groups. The existence of two discrete types of transsexual, differentiated by sexual orientation and age was hypothesised by Buhrich in 1978, which also conjectured why transsexualism was observed to be more common in males than females: During the walk they never had erections nor ejaculations nor the desire to have any sexual intercourse, be it with male or female persons.

gender intensity

I knew those, who were already content if they were able to go for a walk as a woman from time to time.

gender intensity

There are many for whom the simple changing of clothes isn’t enough to cause erotic feelings and just see it as a way of bringing their feminine inner side to the outer world. …the experience shows that this automonosexual streak, just like the homosexual streak, isn’t the same for every transvestite. The identification of an erotic component to transsexualism goes back to the early twentieth century where the existence of what was described as an ‘automonosexual streak’ amongst transvestites was discussed: The following section is taken from Yardley's piece. Miranda Yardley wrote in detail about the history of autogynephilia as a concept: A History of Autogynephilia - Miranda Yardley 1.1 The Two Type Model of Transsexualism.Searching for terms like "sissy fetish forum" quickly turns up whole internet communities for AGP and similar fetishes, where some of these communities have an explicit focus on transgender topics, or sub-sections dedicated to members who desire to transition. The phenomenon of AGP can be observed easily on the internet by searching for web forums dedicated to the paraphilia. They insist on the monolithic "female gender identity" theory to explain all MtF transsexualism and transgender identification, seeing woman-attracted transwomen as "trans lesbians" who should be accepted as being just like any other lesbian woman. Transgender activists claim that the concept is a transphobic myth, as it asserts that non-homosexual transsexuals are essentially under the effect of a paraphilia, or more bluntly a sexual fetish. According to Ray Blanchard's studies, this would put them in the autogynephilic category, as homosexual transsexuals (HSTS) generally don't exhibit AGP.įeminists are often critical of men openly exhibiting AGP and find them offensive, especially if they claim to be women, since their fantasy of being female usually seems to be based on highly sexist, objectifying, and reductive notions of womanhood. According to a 2015 survey of roughly 3000 American transwomen, at least 60% stated attraction to women, meaning they are heterosexual males. While not being the only reason for wanting to become a male-to-female (MtF) transsexual or claiming to "identify as a woman," autogynephilia seems to be exhibited by a great deal of transwomen. The term was coined by psychologist Ray Blanchard after working with and studying many transsexual patients. The term autogynephilia ( auto for self, gyne for female, philia for desire, often shortened AGP) refers to a psychological condition in which a man (usually heterosexual) derives sexual or even "romantic" pleasure from the fantasy of being female.

Gender intensity